Pilot Regions & SMEs
Connected experts and trainers – contributing knowledge to AlpHouse
Many researchers, trainers, craftsmen, architects and others contributed their expert knowledge to AlpHouse. They either did the analysis of pilot regions and bujildings or were trainers in our qualification modules or provided knowledge by their publications, technical solutions or training material.
So if you are looking for experts or trainers with AlpHouse related expertise, you might find them in the database below.
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Arch. Franco Alberti
Trainer for Settlement, traditional building and urbanistic context |
Yves Baret, Architect
France project manager, National parc les Ecrins
AlpHouse training module for decision makers
Expert for Renovation of tradional Alpine buildings - Technics, definition of a program of renovation, finding subsidies, selection of a team of professionals |
DI (FH) Michael Braun, M.Sc.
Stadtstrasse 33, A-6850 Dornbirn Austria
Trainer for building services and PHPP, Energieinstitut Vorarlbergweb |
Dr. Urb. Mauro DeConz
via dell´Anta, Italy
Trainer for settlement, traditional buildings and urbanistic context. |
Catherine Derouineau, Architect
Expert for ecological renovation and building - landscape planning
Contribution to AlpHouse: Terrirorial analysis of the pilot area and architectural study of the pilot buildings (Vercors) |
DI Arch Sabine Erber
Stadtstrasse 33, A-6850 Dornbirn Austria
Trainer for energy efficient buildings, Energieinstitut Vorarlberg
QM Aufbaumodul Sanierung web |
Dipl.-Ing. Tobias Eder
Expert for geoinformation technologies and energy system analysis Contribution to AlpHouse: Solar analysis tool „ubisolis“ http://www.ubisolis.comweb |
Jean-Christophe Fluhr
France Building energy engineer
Training module for decision makers
Technical and legal aspects of renovation of old Alpine buildings |
Alain Monrozier
France Skilled tradesman
AlpHouse Training module for SME´s
Pathologies of traditional Alpine buildings in the Rhône-Alpes region |
Jean-Pierre Oliva, Architect
France Architect, technical writer
Training module for SMEs
Ecolological materials, ecological architecture, renovation of vernacular buildings |
Ing. Fabio Peron
Trainer for Energy Efficiency in Traditional Buildings |
DI Arch Martin Ploss
Stadtstrasse 33, A-6850 Dornbirn Austria
Trainer for energy efficient buildings, Energieinstitut Vorarlberg
QM Aufbaumodul Sanierung web |
Jean-Yves Quay, Architect
Expert for architecture of vernacular buildings - planning Contribution to AlpHouse: Terrirorial analysis of the pilot area and architectural study of the pilot buildings (Saou) |
Jacques Vaillant
France Building physics expert - certified for energy diagnosis
Expert for building physics, building energy analysis
Contribution to AlpHouse: Energy analysis of the pilot buildings |
Dr. Karlheinz Valtl
Mühlwiesen 4, D-83278 Traunstein Germany
Trainer for Train the Trainer seminar web |