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Pilot Regions & SMEs
Pilot Regions
Pilot Projects
Connected SMEs
Connected Experts

How can I get listed on the AlpHouse homepage

as connected SME, expert or trainer?


In order to be listed on the AlpHouse homepage as a representative of a connected SME or as an expert or trainer you have to meet the critieria defined here.

  • Persons that have participated in AlpHouse modules and are not listed as a representative of a connected SME, please contact your training institution.
  • Persons that have contributed to AlpHouse as an expert or trainer and are not listed here, please contact the regional AlpHouse partner you have cooperated with. 

AlpHouse © 2010 - 2024 AlpBC and AlpHouse are projects of the European Union (EU) in cooperation with the Working Group of Alpine Countries (ArgeAlp), lead by the Chamber of Trade and Crafts for Munich and Upper Bavaria (HWK)