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Training Modules

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Train the Trainer

The module aims at supporting trainers on the job and beginners in training to build general capacity in training/teaching. Additionally it brings them into contact with the approach of AlpHouse.


Renovation Strategy (as part of "Praxiskurs für energieeffiziente Bauten")

The aim of the workshop is to learn a right appraisal at existing buildings and specifics of renovating protected ancient buildings.


Optimization of Windows 1

The aim of the module is to optimize the window production of the manufacturers


Optimization of Windows 2

The aim of the module is to optimize the window production of the manufacturers


Change of views: Design contra Energy Efficiency

The aim of the workshop is to discuss the results of the analysis with the administration and the advisory board


On site exchange

The aim of the workshop is to discuss the renovation at the site


Alphouse input for conference

The aim of the module is to inform the public about the results of our analysis


Innovative tools for regional planning and energy consultancy

The aim of the module is to demonstrate and discuss about GIS methodologies in the context of refurbishment and energy efficiency planning and monitoring.


Topics of Concrete Structures – 6 Modules
Modul 1 - The AlpHouse philosophy and building physics fundamentals

In this module the basic considerations of AlpHouse philosophy are presented. It also explains the physical building bases and discusses the issues involved.

Modul 2 - Structural analysis, renovation concepts and old materials

In this module the basic approaches in a renovation of an old building are taught. In addition to the assessment of damages or energy inefficiencies and eliminate them as part of a renovation the old and new building materials that are used as part of a restructuring are considered.

Modul 3 - Moisture in the building and drainage procedures

In this module the basic knowledge of the causes of damage by moisture are treated. Wall drainage procedures and principles of the ÖNORM B 3355 / Part 1-3 are presented.

Modul 4 - Old masonry and thermal insulation

This module provides specific consideration of the masonry with a renovation of an old building. Apart from the different building materials and the potential damage and their energy inefficiency are regarded. In developing a recovery plan will specifically addresses the question of insulation, the problem of economy and funding.

Modul 5 - Plaster and historical plastering techniques in theory and practice

The aim of this module is to give an overview of these different applications and processing capabilities of pit lime. In addition to developing the theoretical foundations of the application techniques are also practiced in practice.

Modul 6 - Historic colors in the old building in theory and practice

In this module basic knowledge about techniques of wall and ceiling paintings are taught, as well as information on various historical formulations (eg lime-casein, tempera) was added. In addition to the responsible use of architectural paints in the tradition of inclusion and practical application methods are presented.


Topics of  Wood Structures – 3 Modules
Modul 1 - The AlpHouse philosophy and constructions

In this module the basic considerations of AlpHouse philosophy are presented. Besides the basic physical building relationships are presented and the structures and the associated potential problems are discussed.

Modul 2- Roof - Construction and insulation

In this module, the approach and the problems in the renovation of an old building roof structures are taught. In developing a renovation plan will specifically addresses the question of insulation, the problem points, the costs and possible funding.

Modul 3 - Facades - windows - doors

In this module the approach and the problems in the renovation of facades, windows and doors of an old building will be taught. In developing a renovation plan will specifically addresses the question of insulation, the problem points cost and possible funding.


Energy Consulting and sustainability

The course is intended to provide the necessary knowledge and skills needed to work as an energy consultant. In addition, important aspects of local treats. The course covers the complete energy consultant training course.


Repair of historic architectural surfaces

This seminar event will be the restoration workshop held of the Federal Monuments Office in the Charterhouse Mauerbach. The most important historical architectural surfaces are presented and carried out practical restoration measures.


Sgraffito - old craft techniques

In every large town many sgraffito houses can be seen. In this technique different colored layers of plaster are applied over each other and then scraped ornaments or images (graffiare = scratch).


The Rediscovery of Crafts (Conference)

AlpHouse aims at promoting this farseeing approach to renovations in the Alpine Space. This conference on the one hand informs about the project-aims and -development, on the other hand different best-praxis examples are exploring the state of the art.

Renovation Strategies and Energy Calculation Tools Workshop

Insight in the state of the art of renovation strategies and of common energy calculation tools. Case-study  related  evaluation  of the demands  to and  offers  from  calculation  tools  in the various stages of planning and execting a project.


Lime Workshop

Lime project Grisons, lime mortar course in relation to the restoration of Türalihus in Valendas


Vernacular Intelligence in Detail for Craftsmen

A basic understanding of materiality (cultural background, building materials, practice) is important for the approach and handling of a construction project, especially in the field of traditional buildings.


Training for technical office – Energy renovation of building envelope

The aim of the workshop is to sensitize the decision makers and their technicians in the AlpHouse approach and philosophy and to increase the knowledge needed to evaluate the possibility of energy renovation of existing buildings, with particular reference to the rate of return of investments and incentives available at regional and at national level.


House in context - Re-use of traditional buildings and energy efficiency within Alpine settlements

The aim of the workshop is to influence the way of working in the building renewal according to the context where the building is located both considering urban, architectural and social characteristics of the settlement as well as sustainable energy patterns of production and consumption.


Sustainability of mountain settlements: what rules for building in the mountains?

The aim of the conference aims to inform Decision Makers about the current status and development opportunities of Alpine Architecture and Traditional settlements in the region both considering urban, architectural and social characteristics of the settlement as well as sustainable energy patterns of production and consumption.


Examples and strategies of energy efficient retrofitting

The aim of the Qualification module is to support and supervise the different phases of the retrofitting of vernacular buildings in communes and intercommunalities: administrative, financial and technical aspects.


Energy efficient retrofitting of vernacular buildings

The aim of the Qualification module is to be able to select the materials and technics adapted the renovation of vernacular buildings,  understand the thermal and hygrometric principles involved in vernacular buildings

Best practices in the Alpine Building Renovation Traditional buildings renovation and energy efficiency. A difficult compromise

The aim of the Qualification module is to foster a discussion about the possibility to provide architects and planners working with the old and traditional buildings renovation hints and suggestions in order to combine a renovation respectful of the building features and reaching at the same time a decent level of energy efficiency.


Training for technical offices Efficiency and energy certification in traditional buildings. The Municipality’s role

The course is addressed to the municipal technical offices in order to give them suggestions and help as entities in charge to manage the administrative procedures concerning in particular with the energy aspects of the buildings renovation and as owners and managers, in many cases, of a building stock usually very consumptive and often traditional.

AlpHouse © 2010 - 2025 AlpBC and AlpHouse are projects of the European Union (EU) in cooperation with the Working Group of Alpine Countries (ArgeAlp), lead by the Chamber of Trade and Crafts for Munich and Upper Bavaria (HWK)